Wednesday 8 May 2013

My Studio

 This is where the magic happens.
*note the glass of wine and chocolate... very important creative tools.
 This is my Inspiration wall - a combo of my paintings and clippings I've collected.
<< I HAVE to have music playing... all the time -  This little micro system has an awesome sound.  All my pens and pencils are organised in these cute drawers and tumblers.
>> Look at my "office" swivel chair.  But when you're sitting down for a few hours your chair needs to be comfy.
Look at the light streaming through.
This room also doubles as a spare bedroom.  Handy ;-)

Do you guys have a special purpose area to get creating?  Or do you commandeer the dining table?

♥ Paula McClelland Creative.


  1. it's such a pretty and creative space! love the wine and chocolates! LOL

  2. Love this! <3
    You really do have a lovely blog, just stumbled across it now

    Would you like to follow each other via GFC, instagram, twitter and bloglovin’?
    If so let me know and I’ll follow you right back

    My blog is a fashion/lifestyle blog!

    Speak soon,
    Have a lovely day
    Much Love,
    Kate xo
